Cambridgeshire Clarets
An educational and social extension of Royal Arch Freemasonry for all Companions with a white or claret jewel ribbon.

Our goal is to organise and host events that you will anticipate and enjoy, focused on companionship, comprehension, and compassion.
Established in 2023.
The Cambridgeshire Clarets welcomes any Companion who wishes to meet more members, become more involved, and learn more about the Royal Arch Degree and how it fits into the whole Masonic system.
We work closely with the Cambridgeshire Light Blues to offer a complementary group — indeed it is now ‘One Journey. One Organisation.‘
Our Mission
The Clarets is dedicated to enhancing your Masonic journey through three key pillars, which we call the three Cs:
Companionship: Clarets on Tour — Join us as we visit different Chapters, Grand Chapter, and even other Provinces, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
Comprehension: Educational Programme — Expand your knowledge of the Royal Arch and its symbolism. Enrol on our unique educational programme and progress through the three levels. Upon successful completion, receive a certificate and a pin/jewel to wear during Chapter meetings.
Compassion: Supporting our Royal Arch Community — Engage in supporting our Chapters by ensuring that we actively support our fellow Companions and our Brothers in the Craft. Within our Chapters, designated Clarets representatives will provide updates from the Clarets group and support new or existing members in any way they can.
Join Cambridgeshire Clarets
The Clarets Committee and the Provincial Grand Chapter look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!
The Royal Arch
One journey. One organisation.
Aspire to discover more about Freemasonry, and more about yourself, by continuing your journey from Initiation in the Craft to Exaltation as a Companion in the Royal Arch.